Be In The Know

October 17,2019

Fall & Winter Maintenance

Running and maintaining a home can be a daunting task. With so many items on the priority list, it’s easy to let your home maintenance slip to the bottom. Protect your most important investment and follow these tips from Travelers Insurance to prepare for the coming months and ensure that your home warranty doesn’t become void.


  • Have your heating system cleaned and inspected by a qualified technician
  • Replace your furnace filter in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions
  • Clean the clothes dryer exhaust duct, as well as the space under and behind the dryer
  • Remove any lint or dust that may have accumulated inside your dryer in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendation
  • For wood burning fireplaces – have your chimney inspected, cleaned and maintained by a professional
  • Clean your fireplace
  • Seal showers and bathtub tiles
  • Check electrical breakers
  • Check electrical outlets for loose-fitting plugs or receptacles
  • Be sure not to overload electrical outlets
  • Check your fire extinguisher and confirm that it is fully charged and ready for operation
  • Inspect your smoke detectors – test them monthly to ensure they are fully operational and change the batteries annually or as needed



  • Disconnect garden hoses, drain exterior taps and blow out irrigation sprinkler lines
  • Check and clean deck drains
  • Apply a sealer to driveway and exterior concrete
  • Check foundation for leakage or damage
  • Clean gutters and downspouts to keep debris from accumulating – this is especially important during the fall season when leaves may collect in gutters
  • Check gutters for damage and confirm they’re securely attached to the house
  • Check roof for defects
  • Remove ice dams as snow falls
  • Remove snow build up around doors
  • Check and clean window wells and windows
  • Check and repair caulking around doors and windows that show signs of deterioration
  • Check weather stripping and adjust if necessary